Welcome to SGVAC Kids! Thank you for visiting our page. We are a ministry “partnering with parents in the spiritual development of our children” Here is what you can expect from a Sunday in our Children’s Ministry...

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Children’s Church meets in the Choir Room on the back corner of the building from 9:30-10:45. You will find children ages 3 – 10 years engaged in fun worship activities. We begin with praise and worship, continue with a Bible story, and games and crafts that support the story and the Bible point.

Singspiration meets in the fellowship hall in the center of the building from 11:00-11:30. Enter through the large double doors. Here you’ll find a large group worship session for parents and children of all ages. We include music and movement, share and prayer time, a monthly mission focus, and announcements.

Sunday school is age graded small group Bible learning activities meeting in various classrooms from 11:30-12:30. Classes are as follows; Toddlers & 2’s share Bible learning activities with their parents; Pre-K (3’s&4’s), K-2 nd grade, and 3rd-5th grade. All activities are age appropriate and designed to be a fun Bible learning experience for every child.

Points for Rewards is used to encourage children to attend, bring their Bibles, bring a friend, memorize verses, learn Bible books, and read their Bible every day. At the end of each quarter, children shop with earned points.

We are devoted to our mission, and committed to loving children as Jesus loves them. Please feel free to contact me with any questions. We hope to see you soon!

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In Christ,
Donna Bazemore
Children’s Ministries Director